Welcome to Breakthrough: The step-by-step blueprint and coaching program designed to get you the business results you want.

Half coaching. Half catalyst. Everything you need.


Our playbooks, practical toolset and time-boxed sprints keep you focused on what matters most in any one moment.


You’ll finish the program with total clarity about where your business is going and how you’re going to get there.


Our Fast Coaching™ approach includes deep dive learning and actionable steps on achieving your business growth plan.

Sooner or later, everyone gets stuck.

Building, then scaling, a consistently profitable business introduces a new level of challenges. Sooner or later, everyone gets stuck – it’s an inevitable part of the growth process.


Slow or no growth.

Slow growth has you pacing the floor with worry. Watching the competition move ahead while you’re stuck inching forward. How do you spark growth when strategies stall or backfire? And how do you rally your team or attract investors when the numbers just won’t climb?


Better productivity feels impossible.

Low productivity has you scratching your head, right? It’s like your team is walking while others are sprinting. How do you boost efficiency when old methods just don’t cut it anymore? It’s frustrating, turning every project into a slog.


Your revenue doesn't match your effort.

Poor profitability has you on edge. It feels like you’re bleeding resources while others are raking in profits. How do you turn the tide when your margins keep shrinking? And how do you justify investments when the returns just aren’t there? It’s disheartening, making every financial review a grim task.


Building a team is an uphill struggle.

Culture can be a tricky beast, can’t it? How do you foster a cohesive environment when personalities clash and values misalign? And how do you attract top talent when your culture isn’t clearly defined or embraced? It’s perplexing, turning every team interaction into a delicate dance.


I've been exactly where you are.

Every business challenge in Vietnam—you name it—I’ve crossed paths with it. I’ve been there. I’ve felt stuck. But I’ve learned lessons that can overcome nearly every frustration and I’m eager to share them with you in our Breakthrough coaching program. Built around four formulas for success, you’ll:

Together with your coach, implement the four FastSprints Formulas to optimize your operations and see tangible results in as little as three months.

Your Growth Formula

Turbo-charge growth by unlocking the full potential of your business to get an ever-increasing number of profitable customers who buy more and more from you.

Your Productivity Formula

Transition your business into a high-performance engine that delivers ever increasing quantities of products and services to your customers, on time, every time, exactly as promised.

Your Profitability Formula

Lock-in a reliable way of getting ever-increasing volumes of profitable business and fat margins.​​

Your Culture Formula

Build a culture of accountability to help drive performance in a way that rivals cannot fully understand, copy or compete with you.​

Trusted by leaders.

From feeling stuck, to pursuing what’s possible: Our Breakthrough clients consist of COOs, CFOs, P&L leaders and business owners.


I was a hardcore fan of free YouTube content for about five months before I bought The Business Bootcamp program – it literally made my business grow. I saw that the more I followed the program, the better my results became.

Linh Truong
Advanced Strategy Workshop

Starting my new business, I was initially unsure about how to gain traction in the market. That’s when Paul stepped in, offering clarity and a strategic direction. His guidance to concentrate on content creation, enhance my rates, and delegate effectively, was nothing short of transformative.

Hoai Nguyen (Jenny)
Advanced Strategy Workshop

Signing up for the Productivity Formula workshop has been a revelation. The depth and breadth of the material covered is truly comprehensive. The workshop opened my eyes to the concept of constructing a ‘value stream team’ and my ‘core group,’ ideas that hadn’t previously crossed my mind. It’s been a fantastic insight that has now become a daily staple in my business practice. Truly transformative!

Ngoc Dang
Advanced Strategy Workshop

The workshop is truly transformative which was led by an exceptional trainer. The lessons on competitive positioning and growth engines have ignited positive changes in my work approach. It’s not just a program – it’s a catalyst for real results!

Thuy Linh
Advanced Strategy Workshop

FastSprints’ Formulas aren’t just informative, they’re a blueprint for business growth. The workshops have gifted me a new lens through which I now view business challenges and their solutions. A heartfelt thanks to the FastSprints team!

Bao Nguyen
Advanced Strategy Workshop

The support you need to succeed

When you enroll, you get expert-level strategies, exclusive tools, and a completely personalized coaching experience.

Each 12-week course includes:

Extras in the 52-week program:

Build strong foundations.

From feeling stuck, to pursuing what’s possible: No other coaching program is able to offer the unique benefits and resources that Breakthrough can.


Revenue growth strategies

Identify and attract clients who are a perfect match for your business and will drive profitable growth.


Build a winning executive team

Master the art of strategic hiring, aligning recruitment with your business culture to build a cohesive, effective leadership team.


Financial management

Develop robust financial strategies to manage budgets and improve cash flows, ensuring your business's profitability and fiscal health.


Marketing and branding

Develop a clear and effective marketing strategy that enhances your brand visibility. Learn how to communicate your brand’s unique aspects to engage your target market effectively.


Scale & dominate

Learn to strategically scale your business through careful planning and targeted action. Explore opportunities for growth while managing risks effectively.


Operational efficiency

Streamline your operations using proven techniques that enhance efficiency and maintain quality, directly impacting your bottom line.


Leadership development

Enhance your leadership skills to better manage and inspire your team. Foster a supportive and productive work environment through effective leadership practices.


Master your mindset

Catch yourself every time your internal narrative turns negative, and build an unshakeable confidence.

How Breakthrough works

Take your career to the very top

Review the curriculum

The four courses inside Breakthrough have everything you need to hit your revenue goals and support your business growth. Enroll in one 12-week course at a time, or commit to the full 52-week program.

Work with your coach

With the guidance of your coach, implement strategies that keep you focused on what truly matters so you're able to achieve the best results in the least amount of time.


The full 52-week Breakthrough program includes access to your coach between sessions, complimentary tickets to our Fall Masterminds and discounts on select business tools and products.




US$450 /month
US$1,350 for one 12-week course


US$360 /month
US$4,320 for 52-week program


Frequently asked questions

What is Fast Coaching™ and how does it help me?

This program only works if you do. FastSprints coaching is designed to build your business from the ground up, so the more work you put in at the beginning, the faster you will see the results.

That said, we’ve found that 12 weeks is the right time-box to take any one of the four formulas – growth, productivity, profitability and culture – from concept to the first significant results milestone.

Working with a FastSprints coach, you’ll get a step-by-step roadmap and series of playbooks with the exact actions needed to move your business into profitability and stay there.

All you need to bring is your drive, dedication, and skill. We’ll deliver the rest.

If you’re trying to stay profitable over the long term, FastSprints is right for you.

The program is typically a blend of one-to-one in-person and online coaching.

If you are ready to put in the work, build a strong foundation, respond to constructive feedback, and learn strategies that push you outside your comfort zone, you will succeed. Just like a workout program won’t do your pushups for you, FastSprints won’t work for you if you don’t work the program. So, if you’re ready to to commit, we’ll welcome you with open arms.

This program only works if you do. FastSprints coaching is designed to build your business from the ground up, so the more work you put in at the beginning, the faster you will see the results.